Thaivivat: Start Your Car Insurance When You Start Your car

- Thailand-based insurance company Thaivivat teams up with the mobile carrier Advanced Info Service (AIS), making adjustments to their pay-per-use insurance offer, with an automated “On-Off” switch.
- How it works. When subscribing a contract, the insured party receives a tracker with a SIM card built-in, to be plugged into their vehicle’s USB port. Every time they start up or turn off the engine, the information is passed over to the insurance group and the app, in charge of automatically activating/deactivating insurance coverage.
- This system spares them the need to turn on and off the insurance app each time they take a ride, to manually enable Thaivivat’s On-Off insurance option in-app.
- Increasing flexibility in Pay-As-You-Drive policies. Thaivivat has long been featuring pay-per-use contracts. With this new connected device, they may charge lower premiums rates to their customers (up to 40% cheaper), through fully optimising their contract, adjusting it right down to the minute, to their customers’ actual rides.
- On-demand insurance turns out to be a prevailing trend. Several companies are making adjustments to match their customers’ needs (e.g.: Altima by Maif). Thaivivat, however, is the first group choosing to automate this phase, without tracking customers’ driving habits. Until recently, On-Board Diagnostics systems and Pay-How-You-Drive apps were the only means to provide insured parties with this service.
- Other players, such as the InsurTech Hugo based their value proposition on an insurance offer that can only be activated when driving the car. This activation still relies on a manual step. Hugo even advised that (young) customers should stick a Post-it on their car wheel not to forget activating their contract for each ride…