Study: Younited points out the evolution of fractional payments in Europe

The European instant credit specialist, Younited, has just published the results of a study on fractional payments in Europe. The study highlights the expectations of European consumers, both in terms of instantaneousness and longer repayment periods. In this respect, however, France is a special case in this market.
Younited conducted a pan-European survey across 5 countries: France, Germany, Spain, Portugal and Italy. 2,500 people evenly spread across the 5 countries were asked about fractional payments.
The study shows that consumer interest is growing, particularly in staggered payments and instantaneous services, provided that protection rules are strengthened.
Overall, more than 70% of Europeans are aware of split payments and 1 in 3 consumers use them. In detail, the rates vary from one country to another:
26% in Italy,
34% in France and Germany,
41% in Spain,
48% in Portugal.
Users mention three factors of interest for this method of payment:
the spread over time,
the possibility of balancing their budget
and the possibility of making ends meet.
As far as the destination of the split payment is concerned, it is mainly used for the purchase of household appliances, high-tech devices and smartphones, furniture or travel.
In France, 61% of users use it to make online purchases for small amounts and short repayment periods. 35% use it for purchases over 800 euros; and 63% opt for repayment over 2 to 4 monthly instalments.
Another particularity of the French market is the level of trust: 53% of users have adopted it from a brand or site they already knew and which provided them with a reputational guarantee, evoking a well-known need for reassurance in the French market.
Long-term growth: According to the Xerfi research institute, the fractional payment market should represent 25 billion euros in France and 250 billion dollars worldwide by 2025.
The challenge of extending repayment periods: depending on the legislation in force in each country (in France, fractional payments without fees, which are not considered as credit, are limited to a period of 3 months), usage varies. Thus, only 22% of French users of split payments spread their repayments over more than 7 monthly instalments; this proportion rises to 54% in Germany and Italy, 49% in Spain and 40% in Portugal, where offers with longer repayments are available. The fact remains that the extension of repayment periods is a strong expectation, particularly in France where the average amount of purchases concerned is also expected to increase in the coming months.
The democratisation of fractional payments is continuing at a rapid pace, despite the risks and a regulatory context that is still unclear. The revision of the EU directive is expected in September 2022. It should address the following key points: the obligation to display a clear schedule before taking out a loan, prior checking of customer accounts, credit checks and limits on real interest rates.
In the meantime, offers such as that of La Banque Postale with Django present themselves as trusted solutions to meet growing needs.