Qonto cautiously opens up to cryptocurrencies

The neo-bank for professionals Qonto has just evolved its services by allowing its customers to invest part of their cash in crypto-currencies. By regulating these transactions, Qonto is opening up to a high-potential market while avoiding disruption.
The neobank now allows its customers to invest part of their cash in crypto-assets.
Qonto is nevertheless framing this opening by specifying that the use of crypto-currencies from its Qonto account will now be possible but restricted.
Investments in crypto-currencies will therefore be subject to several conditions, the first of which is that this crypto-currency investment activity will only represent a minority part of Qonto's customers' cash flow.
The FinTech is also only opening its new service to certain platforms:
with a PSAN licence for Digital Asset Service Providers,
domiciled in the US, Germany, UK or France.
Qonto has the right to ask its customers for proof and explanations to prove the compliance of their transactions.
Excessive cryptocurrency flows or non-compliant use of Qonto accounts may result in account closures.
A position of reason: As the most valued start-up of the French Tech, Qonto could not miss the turn of the crypto-currencies and especially, take the risk to cut itself from a part of the market of professionals interested in these investments.
Keeping its reference status: Qonto's opening to crypto-currencies is taking place slowly, as the FinTech itself admits. Qonto justifies this positioning by highlighting its role as a payment institution regulated by the Banque de France and the ACPR.
Satisfying new uses: By opening up to crypto-currencies, Qonto is not targeting professionals in this market but the growing number of professionals wishing to invest or whose activity is partly linked to this market: consulting for example.
The crypto-currency market is no longer the exclusive domain of specialists. A growing number of historical and non-specialist players are positioning themselves over time, participating in the democratisation of this market in a virtuous circle that now seems unstoppable.
In France, other players such as Lydia have recently joined the battle. However, the choice of partners remains erratic. While Lydia opts for Bitpanda, a PSAN-registered platform based in Austria, Qonto prefers providers such as Coinhouse, LGO Europe, Paymium and StackinSat.
Nicolas Louvet, CEO of Coinhouse, has in any case argued that this trend will eventually affect all financial services players, including the historical banks.