La Banque Postale deploys the "PIN Online" functionality

La Banque Postale is now committed to the deployment of the PIN Online functionality implemented on the new FRv6 repository of the Groupement des Cartes Bancaires subsidiary, FrenchSys. This functionality is being launched as part of a consortium involving the G7 taxi company as a first step.
The deployment of the "PIN Online" functionality is being carried out as part of a consortium involving La Banque Postale, FrenchSys, Castles Technology (manufacturer of payment terminals), PayXpert (a fintech specialising in cross-border and omnichannel payment solutions) and the G7 taxi company.
This deployment provides a new possibility for the customers of the 9,000 or so G7 taxis in Paris to pay for their journeys in excess of €50 without using a contactless terminal.
The "PIN Online" functionality allows the PIN code to be checked directly with the card issuer, without having to insert the card into a payment terminal.
For the end customer, this makes it possible to validate a contactless payment of any amount. They only have to enter their code when required and requested.
A first use-case: In France, La Banque Postale emphasises the fact that this deployment is a first in France. The consortium is in fact the first to offer PIN Online payment solutions for CB cardholders in France.
Optimising services in a mobile situation: The G7 taxi company is highlighting its ambition to offer an optimised mobility service, right down to the payment method offered by its drivers. The group is defending the digital transformation of its services, which now includes the deployment of the PIN Online function.
With the explosion of contactless payments, boosted by the pandemic, the challenges of deploying optimised solutions have increased. Frenchsys, as a subsidiary of the manager of the French domestic acceptance network, GIE CB, is now working with La Banque Postale on this project.
But this development of contactless payment, in line with new uses, is not unique to the French market. In the UK, for example, Starling Bank personalised contactless payment limits last October. Recently, Revolut also took this step by increasing the contactless payment limit for its British customers to 100 pounds.