In brief: FinTech Vybe closes its services

Presented in 2020 as the future neo-bank for young people, Vybe planned to establish itself as a new everyday banking service for members of Generation Z. After two years of effort, its creators were finally forced to close down a service that had failed to find its audience.
There is no mention of Vybe's website yet, yet the FinTech is currently in receivership. Vincent Jouanne, co-founder of Vybe, announced the closure of its business in mid-summer, with a complete shutdown expected within two months.
As a reminder, Vybe offered a payment card associated with a mobile application and the creation of an IBAN for young people aged 13 to 35. It combined this with a cashback offer and advantages negotiated with 70 brands. Vybe also defended a community concept, in particular by running an Instagram account followed by more than 50,000 people.
It has managed to convince 40,000 customers since its launch, a figure that is insufficient to ensure the sustainability of its model based on free and interchange fees. A shrinking market, due in particular to the reluctance of investors, will not have finally allowed the FinTech to raise new funds essential to the continuation of its activities.
Vybe's major clients are therefore invited to turn to Lydia's services, and minors to Kard, via simplified transfer procedures.