FCA Bank Features Leasing Offers for Polish Corporate Customers

- FCA Bank –banking arm of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles created by Crédit Agricole Consumer Finance– launches a new leasing offer in Poland for Fiat corporate customers.
- This solution called Leasing Give me 5! Also features additional insurance products for customers who might need to buy a commercial vehicle.
- Characteristics of the offer:
- 5% advance payment required for first rent
- 5 years maximum contractual term
- 5 instalments (one each year) can be delayed by the customer at no extra cost
- 5 additional options can be subscribed within the leasing contract: Maximum Care extended warranty and Easy Care maintenance by Mopar, GAP insurance, leasing insurance and driver’s insurance
- Take advantage of the expanding Polish car leasing market. This sector grew significantly in 2017 (+17%), with 14.1 billion zlotys (€3.3 billion) generated. Two third of this production were driven by small and micro-companies (less than 20 million zlotys revenue, or slightly more than €4 million). The Polish car industry is also boosted by companies’ demand.
- Commercial success. Ever since they launched in Poland, more than 40% of Fiat PRO customers on this market selected this service for renting their commercial vehicle. This offer received the title “best product for SMEs” by Gazeta Finansowa in the category “Leasing”.
- FCA Bank was granted a banking licence in Italy two years ago. Since then, they have been going stronger on the European market for car financing. By way of reminder, Crédit Agricole Consumer Finance is gaining momentum on the Italian consumer lending market, too: they just bought out Banco BPM’s loan portfolio.