CACF Employees Become Beta-Testers

Over the past few months –in line with their digital transformation process– Crédit Agricole Consumer Finance built a community for beta-tests with their in-house staff members. The idea is to step into their customers’ shoes, gather feedbacks from these testers, and relevantly adjust their future offers’ positioning while praising knowledge sharing and cohesion.
CACF relied on an online platform by the start-up called Fanvoice for this project: this start-up focuses on co-creation via communities. Voluntary collaborators may access different test campaigns crafted by the institution, complete questionnaires and leave comments. Then, Fanvoice gathers this feedback and, through their sets of algorithms, lists or pinpoints expectations as regards to products and services.
Until then, CACF only had two similar plans underway: In Portugal, via Credibom, 90 registered collaborators (with 65% contribution level) and, in Germany via CreditPlus: 50 collaborators (61% contribution level). Roughly 200 ideas have already been filed.
Even if this institution bets on a collaborative/crowdsourced model (for stimulating team spirit, cohesion, sharing knowledge and solutions, etc.), they also insist on individual evolution perspectives as motivating factors for participating staff members.
Comments – A strategy built on Employee eXperience (EX)
Crédit Agricole Consumer Finance intends for their co-creation strategy to bear fruits through relying on the notion of Employee eXperience (EX). This concept is gradually being added to the idea of User eXperience (UX), since it builds on how an individual interacted with the company they work for and what these interactions led to. The point is to identify people with highest potential, assist them and assert their loyalty: all in all, enticing a sense of curiosity in these participants towards innovative issues. The assumption being that when testing these given solutions, they will be able to help end customers more efficiently, understand customer processes better, or meet their needs and expectations more relevantly.
These beta-tests also come in addition to a prior EU-wide Open-Innovation project by CACF, again shedding light on the group’s intent to reach further with transformation in mind, and beyond the French market.