Allianz and Wrisk Unveil BtoBtoC On-Demand Car Insurance Policy

- Allianz Automotive (mobility-oriented subsidiary of Allianz group) teams up with the British InsurTech Wrisk.
- Wrisk features mobile-based, paperless, transparent and flexible insurance policies relying on subscription formats. Valuables (IT equipment, jewellery, musical instruments, etc.) can be insured on a per-month basis.
- Each insured party is also assigned a customised Insurability Score to better assess their risk level.
- Allianz and Wrisk would jointly launch a new car insurance offer using Wrisk’s ultra-flexible model.
- Once ready, this offer will be distributed in partnership with car makers, through their car dealerships.
WRISK: Key Figures
- 2016: Wrisk was founded
- £8.4 million raised
- Fewer than 50 employees
- Simplifying Allianz’s offers. The Chief Sales Officer for Allianz Automotive believes this partnership can act as a lever for increasing transparency and simplifying Allianz’s new offers.
- More opportunities. For Wrisk, this agreement entails tremendous expansion opportunities. This young InsurTech still operates on a local level. Allianz Automotive has nearly 40 partners in the car industry: as many opportunities for this start-up.
- Upholding a BtoBtoC strategy. Wrisk also claims this partnership will enable them to rely on an indirect strategy for selling their car insurance offer.
- Wrisk’s BtoBtoC goal fully matches the current market trend as insurance policies further aim for flexibility. After they tried to set foot on this market directly, with a set of next-generation solutions, some players move on to implementing distribution agreements with long-standing industry specialists for the sake of boosting their growth.
- La Bâloise and Trov recently highlighted this trend, again stressed by Wrisk.
- The UK market will be used to identify expectations and opportunities on the car insurance sector.