Welcome Real-time Launches The Loyalty Impact: At Store

- Welcome Real-time launches a real-time loyalty tool to fit the needs of all points of sales; their new offer has been designed for acquirers and processors now able to propose scalable programmes to their commercial customers.
- The service lets retailers roll out loyalty programmes regardless of the means of payment used or issuing bank. Rules can be set up by programme (targeting, customised discounts) and several retailers/service providers can join forces around similar service offerings.
- The offer should soon be deployed EU-wide at a large acquirer’s branches.
Source: Press release
- This service associated with tracking and reporting tools allows merchants to improve their customer knowledge, reward them and secure their loyalty without pressuring them with old-fashioned enrolment processes.
- Also, customer relation is put to the fore to benefit consumers, merchants (displaying higher frequentation rates) and banks (the revenue of which should also increase). Specifically, merchants can set the kind and life-time of their offers which might improve the flexibility of traditional loyalty programmes.