Contactless: Atos Worldline Launches NFC M-payment App

- Atos launches Atos Mobile Wallet, a contactless mobile payment app for card issuers.
- The wallet available in white-label and complies with Visa and MasterCard specifications.
- The wallet can act as a stand-alone service, or add in Atos’s other offers: TSM, prepaid or loyalty management, for instance.
Source: Press release
- This announcement from a major player revives the interest of the industry for NFC payment apps as most of the experiments worldwide are now being delayed. Other main players (like Google or ISIS) made hardly reassuring announcements, while non NFC services and payment keep growing. Isis’s launch notably has been postponed to an undefined date.
- Also, MasterCard’s intent to open its API for PayPass to all developers could just as well cater for the development of NFC technologies: here again, the aim is to provide for their development through open innovative initiatives.