DipJar Launches a POS Device for Tips

- The US-based company has just launched a payment terminal designed for tips in hotels and restaurants.
- DipJar is a cylinder containing a card slot in which customers can insert their cards to leave tips (no PIN entry required).
- DipJar only cashes one dollar transactions; a sound indicates that the transaction has been completed. If the customer wants to leave more, he simple has to repeat this operation.
- The terminal is free and DipJar charges 20 cents per transaction.
Source: Springwise
- In the ever-innovative mobile payments world, other media can inspire new uses too, in niche markets for instance, as is the case here.
- In the micropayments market, simplicity is key to customer processes heading to drop cash, which explains which PIN codes have been left aside in this case. Contactless technologies should further help the development of similar innovations in the future.