M-payment: Ogone and Mobile Payment

- The e-PSP Ogone further focuses on the m- payment sector with plug-in apps for iOS and Android. Applicable to mobile website as well as to mobile apps, they may fit whichever strategy and channels its customers shall favour.
- These apps can be customised to comprehensively suit the e-commerce website’s charter. Mobile users can enter their banking information each time they make a payment or decide to store this data on the merchant website and validate using an alias (notifying his dedicated ID and password).
Source: Ogone press release
- Ogone started focusing on mobile media as early as in 2009 with an iPhone app. This service now encompasses Android devices too. They underline the possibility for merchants to adapt this mobile payment service to their own sales strategy (mobile website or mobile app).
- In France, the use of mobile media is increasing and, according to a survey conducted by Xerfi, could represent 13 billion euros by 2015 (vs. 500 million in 2010). Another study released in May by the FEVAD, shows that 45% of the e-commerce websites had already adapted their interfaces to mobile media, and that this sales channel may now represent 3% of overall e-commerce sales. According to KPMG (March 2012), 7% of the Internet surfers worldwide already use mobile devices in payments contexts.