Parking: PayByPhone Available on Mobiles in France

- PayByPhone launches its parking payment app running on iOS and Android on the French market. Users sign in to the free application featuring a number of new options (including location-based features).
- PayByPhone’s range of solutions which already includes online payments, touch tone IVR and text payments, is now extended to cater for the needs of many motorists (including those without a smartphone).
- This flexible application lets drivers choose the amount of time they wish to park their car for (in minutes, hours, days or even weeks, months and years). Along the same lines, customers can modify parking time using their mobile and only pay for the genuine parking duration. Customers receive text alerts when the parking time is almost up, they can locate the position of their vehicle or manage several vehicles or profiles.
Source: Press release by PayByPhone
- PaybyPhone’s system was launched in Issy-les-Moulineaux about three years ago in partnership with VINCI Park and has proved to be quite successful. Last December a marketing campaign in collaboration with local store owners and designed to promote this service involved distributing a number of free parking cards to users (see December 2011 Insight).
- PayByPhone is also committed to using contactless technologies and NFC tags and has introduced such systems in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom (since April 2012). Motorists can use the app to select their parking zone by scanning the special sticker and then store the electronic payment receipt on their mobile.