MasterCard Display Card on the US Market?

- After having tested and commercialised the Display Card in Europe, MasterCard now wishes to attract American issuers.
- This card displays a screen, twelve buttons and a chip. It enables the cardholder to validate his online transactions, or access his e-banking portal, using an OTP, and ensures strong authentication (3D-S MasterCard SecureCode).
- MasterCard wishes to enter the American market where transaction security solutions are especially expected because of the reoccurring attacks on the existing magnetic stripe card system.
- In Europe, this technology should soon be spread. In Germany, Giesiecke & Devrient, for instance, propose two OTP generating cards. Besides, the Display Card was launched just after Visa initiated its Visa CodeSure card which also allows strong authentication.
- This technology might grow popular, because it is easier to use than authentication systems based on external devices, but the card’s higher manufacturing cost could hinder its progression as issuers could decide not to adopt it.