American Express Launches “The Quarterlife Project” For Young Customers

- American Express and Zync, widen their range of payment card services dedicated to young customers with an affinity program called “The Quarterlife Project” designed to help this target manage their finances.
- This program is accessible on Zync Facebook page and was intends to provide answers on account management-related issues through a dialogue with a dedicated coach. Videos dealing with topics likely to be of interest for young users are also proposed.
- A prior study conducted by American Express showed that this initiative was not vain: 80% of young customers feel crushed by their financial situation and two-thirds of the respondents expect to be proposed dedicated tools and resources.
- American Express’s initiative shows that banking players are interested in setting up structures, channels and tools, suited to this specific public (such as Facebook for instance), interactive solutions (for the Zync card, an Advisory Panel composed of sixteen influent bloggers). They also want to focus on the appropriate language to communicate with this target.
- In addition to the proposed offers, the banks also want to adapt their services and practices to this behaviour of this target, used to instant communications, and make use of its customary channels.