DeviceFidelity Tested by BPCE and Visa

- BPCE group, in partnership with Visa Europe, launches new mobile contactless payment test in Nice and Strasbourg this autumn.
- 500 Caisses d'Epargne and Banque Populaire customers disposing of an iPhone 3 or 4, of a Samsung Galaxy S or a Blackberry Gold, could equip their devices with a DeviceFidelity case integrating a microSD card. Using this application they can pay for purchases (up to 20 euros) by scanning their mobile phone using the payment terminal.
- This six months test should end beginning 2012.
- This announcement occurs less than one month after the launch of Google Wallet service, relying on the same technology. With this initiative, BPCE group makes the difference compared to the other banking players and previous SIM Centric initiatives.
- With the help of the Trukish bank Akbank, Visa and DeviceFidelity have already deployed their in2Pay solution which integrates a microSD card.