SEPA Mobile Payment: Detailed Guidelines

- The EPC released its Mobile Contactless SEPA Card Payments Interoperability Implementation Guidelines for public consultation: feedbacks are expected by 17 June. If these suggestions are to be integrated, a final version of the guidelines should be published in October 2011.
- These detailed specifications describe different service models and processes involved in the provisioning and lifecycle management of a payment application relying on the Security Element (SE) of a mobile phone.
- They also describe the technical infrastructure as well as related security requirements. Transaction flows, cardholder verification methods and risk management are also outlined. Finally, external existing standards and applicable rules are listed. According to the EPC, this document identifies further gaps that need to be addressed to ensure a secure, sustainable and scalable ecosystem.
- This detailed guideline provides further granularity to the general requirements and specification co-defined by the EPC and GSMA in October 2010. They also add to the definition of a consensual ecosystem between telecom operators and financial institutions.
- The EPC latter plans to design a likewise set of guidelines for distant contact mobile payment.
See July and October 2010 Watches