OCBC Scan & Pay

- OCBC bank (Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation) launched the Android application enabling customers to scan barcodes on their phone bills and access detailed information or transfer their payment using their bank account. These details can then be saved on the mobile phone.
- The currently set up system covers billing form SingTel, StarHub, M1 operators and the power supplier Singapore Power.
- The application also proposes other financial services: access to bank account balance, history and transaction follow-up, funds transfers as well branches and ATMs localisation.
- Mobile devices are becoming real distribution and development channels for new financial services. In addition to contactless payment in convenience stores, they also allow the development of other payment solutions such as P2P or bills payments.
- In Europe, the Danish bank Danske Bank launched an iPhone and Android application designed for digital bills payments, based on the model of their application to deposit cheques (launched in the beginning of this year): the user takes a picture of the bill’s barcode, selects the account to be debited and validates the payment. In the United States, First Data proposes a new m-coupon offer for merchants: these coupons can be proposed to customers via SMS, 2D barcodes or NFC.