The Digital Broker Arturo-crédit Adds Debt Consolidation Service

The French FinTech Arturo-cré features a comparison service, mortgages and credit insurance offers. They favour a streamlined digital process setting links between banks and credit applicants looking for brokerage services. Considering how successful their products have been so far, they are introducing a debt consolidation service, too.
The digital platform Arturo-crédit was launched in 2017 by the brokerage company Crédit by Sphinx. Their simulation service allows prospective customers to be sent non-binding and customised answers with pricing scales regarding housing projects (credit insurance), for free and in real time.
Earlier this month, Arturo-crédit added a full-digital tool for credit repurchases, in line with their other products. Once the customer scored (180 check points), he instantly receives an answer based on a set of eligibility criteria depending on the nature of his project, his patrimonial and personal situation.
With this service, Arturo-crédit allows their customers to be provided tailor-made assistance from a dedicated broker, available via videoconference. They also save them a significant amount of time, since this platform can display rates in real time.
Comments – Human and Digital Assistance Hand in Hand
Arturo-crédit relies on their technological skills and partnerships with two brokers (credit and insurance) to have access to the entire banking network. A way for them to stand out through providing concrete, immediate and transparent answers to each customer. In addition, these customers have access to customised brokerage services. Arturo bets on technological opportunities in the digital age and on an assistance service as these applications are often complex to manage and require human advisors.
They also insist on how much time their customers may save (4 to 8 weeks compared to standard procedures). With their real time scoring process, this FinTech issues credit contracts in less than three minutes. Roughly 4,500 households have already filed an application using their platform. Arturo-crédit expects 30,000 to 40,000 applications each year in the next three years. Credit repurchases come as logical extensions for this platform which builds on a digital approach and on their partner brokers’ insight. For now, this market hasn’t been targeted by many French players. In the US, LendStreet introduced a relatively similar connection platform.