REX: CaixaBank’s “Serious Game” Program Wins Award

CaixaBank Consumer Finance, Caixa’s consumer credit subsidiary, has been awarded a prize for excellency in Human Capital management by Brandon Hall Group. This prize has been granted for the game-based commercial training solution they implemented to help their employees meet their goals and even exceed them.
Two years ago, CaixaBank Consumer Finance started a training program based on video games. This program benefited to more than 160 of their employees. Their goal was to help them practice new sales and negotiation techniques likely to improve the group’s commercial results.
This “serious game” called “Navieros” has been developed in partnership with a leader game-based training and e-learning portal, Gamelearn. It relies on online classes using a simulator which recreates six possible true to life negotiation cases, where the gamer applies his ability to negotiate, communicate efficiently and resolve conflicts.
According to the Spanish institution, this training program has been a growth lever for their commercial performance. More business opportunities have emerged following this implementation. And they recorded a 29% increase in their number of contracts for 2016, and +32% in 2017.
Comments – Gamification applied to the banking industry
E-training programs are generally considered boring by employees, nearly 80% of the e-learners think they would get involved more if the content could look like a game. “Gamification” applies to both banking customers and to institutions’ in-house teams. It stands out as a precious means to improve customer processes as digital transformation has become a part of these.
These technologies are also considered of interest by French institutions; launches have been announced in several sectors, including the insurance industry (Natixis Assurance with Gameloft), customer relation (BNP Paribas) or investment companies. In Spain, banks have been relying on “serious game” programs to meet in-house needs mostly. BBVA also selected Gamelearn to craft a multi-channel, multi-disciplinary platform able to draw their employees’ attention.