MaxRewards maximizes credit card rewards

MaxRewards is an American FinTech created in 2017. It offers a successful credit card aggregator service that optimizes the use of credit cards. Its recent round of funding should enable it to further expand its offering.
- MaxRewards takes the form of a digital wallet specifically for storing credit cards.
- But more than just storage, the app helps its users track their spending and identify which card to use to take advantage of the best promotion or reward when making a purchase.
- MaxRewards can also automatically activate benefits such as rewards or cash-back offers that can be accessed via certain cards. However, this feature is only available to Gold members of the application.
- Business Model: The application is free for the majority of users. MaxRewards earns revenue from its Gold memberships, the price of which is freely set by its users according to the monthly amount they hope to save through the application.
- MaxRewards states that the monthly price set by its Gold membership users is over $25 per month.
- The MaxRewards app officially launched in 2019, but its creators just completed a $3 million fundraising round that should allow them to further scale their offering.
Covering a large market: Nearly 83% of Americans have at least one credit card, and 95% of all credit card spending in the U.S. is done via cards that include rewards. The typical MaxRewards user has an average of 6 credit cards. MaxRewards intends to leverage its new funds to further prospect in this vast market.
Recruiting: MaxRewards' teams currently consist of three people in charge of running the algorithms that automate the service. But the FinTech's new fundraising round will allow it to recruit around 20 people by the end of the year.
Evolve its offer: More than credit cards, MaxRewards now intends to extend its solution to debit cards and develop an educational offer to help its users better manage their cards in general.
- Since the beginning of 2021, MaxRewards has shown strong momentum. As a result, the FinTech has seen its monthly active users increase by 200%. Its monthly recurring revenue, meanwhile, has increased 10-fold.