MasterCard becomes an intermediary for banks in the crypto market

MasterCard is trying to establish itself as a reference in the cryptoasset market. Its strategic plan to achieve this goal is now enriched by a major BtoB brick. MasterCard has indeed developed a service for banks to help them offer crypto-trading. This is a way for the payment giant to establish itself as an intermediary in this area, including with other financial players.
MasterCard has just presented its new programme called Crypto Source. The programme is designed to enable financial institutions to deploy crypto asset trading services in a completely secure manner.
For this purpose, MasterCard has signed a partnership with Paxos, a regulated provider of crypto-currency products and services. The roles of both partners are well defined:
Paxos will provide crypto asset trading and custody services on behalf of banks,
Mastercard will integrate its technological capabilities into the banks' interfaces.
Thus, the Crypto Source programme will offer financial institutions services to :
buying, holding and selling crypto assets,
security and anti-fraud (via Mastercard Crypto Secure software),
The MasterCard Crypto Source programme is currently being rolled out as a pilot. It will be officially launched at a later stage, but the payment giant has not yet given a date.
Accompanying to better dominate: The main challenge for MasterCard in rolling out this new programme is to strengthen its status as a pioneer and key player in the crypto market. More than just serving individuals or businesses as the end customers of its offerings, MasterCard is also seeking to establish itself as a partner to financial players in order to cover the entire market.
A market that is actually growing: Despite the fall in prices, crypto-assets are attracting new users every day. The Mastercard New Payments 2022 Index, for example, indicated that 29% of respondents worldwide now hold crypto-assets.
A major role of trust: This democratisation could be accelerated by the involvement of trusted players, financial institutions already known by investors. Thus, still according to the Mastercard New Payments 2022 index, 65% of respondents indicate that they would more willingly opt for crypto services provided by their trusted financial institution.
This role of trusted third party is twofold, as it is also a major one for the financial institutions themselves, who point out that security and regulatory compliance issues represent obstacles to their positioning on the crypto-asset market. MasterCard is now proposing to take care of these aspects for them.
MasterCard is seeking to perpetuate its activities and its status as the undisputed reference in the payment industry by moving away from the card market and turning to a payment solution considered to be of the future: crypto-assets.
And to democratise this market while offering itself a key role in it, MasterCard is multiplying initiatives via associations, integrations with its payment infrastructure, support for the emergence of MNBC, the deployment of loyalty services based on crypto-currencies or the organisation of the purchase of NFT.