LiveLend Rewards Borrowers with “Dynamic” Loan

- The British consumer credit start-up LiveLend introduces a “dymamic” loan.
- The idea is to reward borrowers with favourable rates (ranging from 9.9% to 36.7%) as their credit score improves.
- These rates are reassessed up until the term of their loan with updates applied every 3 months.
- If the borrower’s credit score shows signs of improvement over this period, the applied rate is automatically cut down for the remaining life of their loan (2% shaved off the rate for every 25 points of improvement in credit score.).
- Subscription processes are full-digital. An agreement-in-principle is sent near instantly and the amount is released within a few hours.
- This digital product monitors credit ratings using data from ClearScore, which provides British customers with free access to their credit score and reports.
- Assisting fragile customers more efficiently. With this service, LiveLend intends to value and reward customers actually on their way to adopting a healthy financial behaviour to improve their financial situation. This endeavour leads their credit score to improve which might be worthwhile for fragile customers and for LiveLend. This also explains why adjustment processes are relevant to streamline lending applications.
- Improving risk management processes: these dynamic loans may encourage higher-risk customer profiles to meet their repayments in a timely manner until the end of their contract, hence, mitigating default risks.
- According to the British FinTech, nearly 25% of their customers see cuts in interest rates as early as after three months, and 50% over the course of the year.
- Other players –Tricolor and Self Lender, for instance– are focusing on improving credit scores, too, but rather opted for Blockchain or AI technologies. LiveLend bets on positive incentives and nudges to achieve this.
LiveLend: Key Figures
- Founded in 2016
- Was granted banking licence in February 2018
- £150 million secured (from Elliott Advisors) to help it grow