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  • Payment
  • Europe

In brief: The Banque de France participates in the new digital euro trials

The digital euro, which has been tested for two years, is now entering a new test phase in order to study its interoperability in the context of cross-border wholesale payments. The particularity of this new test phase is also that it involves the Banque de France and 14 other banks and market infrastructures.

The new test phase is initiated by the transfer system company Swift. It will again focus on wholesale exchanges.

The aim of the trial is therefore to issue cross-border payments in digital Euro in order to test the interoperability between the different technologies and payment systems that exist. In other words, to ensure that all IT systems work harmoniously so that the digital euro can circulate and be recorded on dematerialised books of account.

The challenge is also to be able to test new tools:

    A technology for tokenisation of assets through a blockchain

    A platform for cross-border payments with various MNBCs

These payments will be made in simulated digital Euro, and issued by the participating central banks. For the Banque de France, it is now a question of confirming its commitment to the project.