In brief: Klarna very close to its entry into the stock market

After several twists in the choices regarding a potential release for Klarna, fintech seems finally about to make its market entry.
The unicorn specialized in the BNPL could indeed deposit its first IPO (Initial Public Offering) of $1 billion in the coming days. According to information gathered by Bloomberg, the introduction to the stock exchange could be carried out in early April.
Klarna hopes to raise at least $1 billion and would aim at a valuation of more than $15 billion at the time of its introduction.
After filing confidential application for public tender At the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) in November 2024, the start-up should be introduced to NYSE, the New York Stock Exchange.
As a reminder, fintech had reached a value of $45.6 billion in 2021, before falling to $6.7 billion in 2022. If it did not return to its level 4 years ago, the start-up still shows a notable performance by doubling its valuation in 3 years.
After a few years of complicated profitability, the start-up managed to return to good results. In particular, Klarna has signed partnerships and streamlined its activities by reducing costs.
It should be noted, however, that the Swedish start-up has not yet officially confirmed this information.
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