MoviePass for Moviegoers

- The leading US movie theatre subscription service MoviePass has just launched a mobile-based prepaid card for use in all theatres nationwide, together with a dedicated mobile app.
- Cardholders will pay 29.99 dollars per month and be granted access to movie halls once a day through using the app and geolocation-based programme.
- To check in their selected near-by hall, users may pick a movie or showtime to unlock their card and pay.
- The app has already been made available in iOS, and an Android version is to follow.
Source: Press release
- MoviePass completed a nine-month beta trial and noted that the 1,500 partakers in their experiment increased their attendance by 64%.
- This considered the group also started talking their users into inviting up to ten friends to join the emerging service. Prospective members may also join the 75,000 people waiting list at
- MoviePass’s offer combines GPS technology, prepayment and mobile use in a payment context to be eventually finalised at the point of sale, allowing for higher attendance rates and streamlining checkouts.