Rentabiliweb Deploying Solution to Prevent Cart Abandonment

- Rentabiliweb presents a new feature designed for be2bill e-merchant acceptors, allowing them to identify and make up for online cart abandonments.
- be2bill’s new feature includes information services for both e-merchants and final customers, aiming at improving websites’ conversion rates through bouncing on dropped or failed transactions.
- From now on, be2bill e-merchant acceptors will be informed of the reasons why given transactions have failed. Rentabiliweb has also developed an e-mail retargeting tool allowing them to contact their customers and inquire their reasons for interrupting their transaction.
- These e-mails sent to final customers in case of payment failure also let them know why their transaction has been interrupted, pull back their cart and propose alternative payment options (instalments, for instance).
Source: Press release
- be2bill was launched in January 2012, and, according to Rentabiliweb’s General Director aimed at optimising traditional online card payments. Through this new feature, be2bill proposes an additional qualitative customised solution for both merchants and final customers, focusing on one of the main stages of the transaction in customer relation.
- Last year, Monext launched “Le deuxième moyen de paiement”, an option integrated in PayLine making it possible to propose other alternatives to payers if their first selected means of payment was rejected.
- Alternative means of payments have been flourishing these past times, but, Rentabiliweb, for its part, decided to rely on a bank card-based solution, deeming that plastic is still used in France for three online payments in four (alternative means of payments should however account for 14 billion euros by 2015).