Mobile App for School Meals

- Horizon Software International launches MyPaymentsPlus, a free app in iOS designed for school meals payments. An Android version should soon be made available.
- MyPaymentsPlus is linked to (dedicated online means of payment) which has already been adopted by over 500 districts and roughly 1.8 million users.
- Once the app downloaded, parents dial in their MyPaymentsPlus IDs. New subscribers may also register directly from the app. Users can view their prepaid balance and transaction history or top-up by card or funds transfers.
- Parents will receive alerts once their predefined limits reached to top-up again. The accounts may also be customised (picture of the child for instance).
Source: Bloomberg
- Mobile media are increasingly present in niche sectors, including school meals: the online MyPaymentsPlus (ex-MealpayPlus) portal and associated mobile app is a comprehensive suite based on prepayment and dematerialisation to ease the buying act.
- Presented as secure (no cash, preset limits), the platform may also enable management of various kinds of payments (other than meals) depending on the type of contract reached with the given schools (books, libraries, sports equipment, etc.). In addition to checking on their children’s expenses, this same platform also allows parents to keep an eye on their diet.