Authentication: Partnership between Gemalto and nAppliance

- Gemalto and nAppliance Networks, provider of Microsoft based networking and security appliances, have partnered to propose a new turnkey strong authentication product: Gemalto’s software Protiva will be preloaded on nAppliance’s platform and made available to the North American market.
- Its integration in the existing systems should be made easier through a dedicated interface, also setting it apart from other solutions designed to meet the same ends but requiring time consuming configuration efforts per individual component: companies could then roll out a two-factor authentication solution combining secret question and OTP (based on a smart card or other token) without much pain.
Source: Gemalto’s press release
- This solution, applied to generally used systems, such as Microsoft suites (as it remains the market leader) enable the players to reach more customers.
- The interest of rolling out strong authentication solutions is again highlighted and streamlined through an all-in-one product which does not imply any additional costs (dedicated staff, maintenance cost, etc.).