Connected TV: Ikea Soon to Propose Remote Payment

- Ikea’s connected TV Uppleva should be proposed in France starting July 2012. One month before this official launch the Swedish retailer has decided to lift the veil off its online payment system.
- Uppleva is intended to let TV viewers make online purchases through interactive ads. Customers would use their remote and the interactive TV interface to enable the e-commerce features.
- Once an item selected, the user is directed to a presentation page. Another icon allows him to access a personal portal from which he may validate his order.
- The shopping and payment solution would make it possible for Uppleva to have the entire purchasing process in charge. The ordered items will then be shipped to the consumer’s home address.
Source: Press release
- Connept, the German company behind Uppleva’s technology, broadcasted this official announcement on YouTube.
- No information as to the payment features has yet been disclosed, but the system is said to be easy to use and fast, in line with Ikea’s overall range of products.
- Various players have already taken a few steps towards the connected TV market. Apple, for instance, even through payments have not yet been included. Marketers and communication specialists now have to rethink their advertising model to benefit from this new innovative channel.