Innovation: KAL’s Cashless Cash Dispenser

- The ATM software developer KAL has just presented the Retail Teller Machine (RTM), a new, cashless, ATM.
- The RTM has been designed to propose all the features to be generally encountered at traditional ATMs (withdrawals, deposits, transaction history and balance consultation, requests for transfers, banking identity record, etc.), but does not store in any cash.
- The ATM is installed in a retail store; instead of delivering banknotes, it prints out vouchers to be swapped by customers for the corresponding amount in cash at the till. The RTM requests that the debtor be recredited.
- Customers can also contact an advisor through visio-conferencing using the RTM.
Source: ATM Marketplace
- KAL’s main sales argument for RTM is that it is ten times cheaper to manage than a traditional ATM, thus providing banks with opportunities to extend and leverage their network through implementing more interactive points with lower management cost.
- This device may also help generate traffic at retail outlets and provide merchants with a means to avoid "cash-out" transactions costs generally proposed in the US.