Using Payvment to Target Social Customers

- The Facebook-based e-commerce platform Payvment has just launched a new service designed to let sellers auto-target their ad campaigns. Payvment’s “Taste Graph” automatically targets their campaigns based on purchasers’ history.
- Payvment’s 165,000 merchant subscribers could then improve their click through rates by 25% (than those bought through Facebook without using Payvment’s algorithm) and take advantage of cross-referencing services set-up over the past two years.
Source: TechCrunch
- The “in-Facebook” payment platform disposes of an increasingly significant database likely to help merchants spread their offers, refine customers targeting and take advantage of social network’s viral essence.
- Adverting remains Facebook’s main source of revenue, and optimising these kinds of added value services is a main asset for the network too.
- The end of Facebook Credits has now been proclaimed, and the part to be played by social shopping services in the network’s new payment ecosystem hints at Facebook’s strategy to improve advertising revenues through monetising data. The network is seeking new opportunities to make profit.