Acceptance: IP Commerce’s Challenge to Give Rise to Next-Gen POS Devices

- The e-payment specialist IP Commerce launches an app development challenge to give rise to a next generation acceptance solution for both online and offline environments.
- IP Commerce primarily aims at favouring the creation of an innovative solution to enable e-merchants to use their online means of payments in-store through relying on mobile devices.
- The “Develop the Future of Commerce” Challenge has been intended to let developers use their ideas and technical skills to draft an app via a Web platform especially crafted to help them conceive the future “POS 2.0”.
- The apps are to be assessed by technology and commerce judges in accordance with their level of innovation and viability, but also with their developers’ ability to use some of the tools at hand. The winner would be granted a 5,000 dollars prize.
Source: Press release
- Web pure players seem to have adopted likewise strategies regarding means of payments: after having built up their own e-payment solutions (Facebook and its Facebook Credits, eBay and PayPal, Amazon’s 1-clic payment, etc.) they now tend to present ranges of solutions likely to fit Brick and mortar outlets (PayPal Here, Google Wallet, etc.), and try to stay tune with the opportunities derived from the expansion of connected commerce.
- Implementing an offline-dedicated payment solution appears as a natural development in IP Commerce’s activity as it currently proposes a multi-payment cloud-based acceptance platform for e-merchants.
- This competition enables IP Commerce to take advantage of payment solutions providers’ ideas and professionalism and make a move towards the physical commerce. This technique has for instance also been picked by La Caixa when developing its mobile banking apps.