Moov’Card to Pay for a Cab

- Moov’Card proposes a new prepaid card especially designed to enable its holders to pay for taxis in about fifteen French towns. The new solution launched on 15 June has been crafted after several partnerships with large scale taxi companies were set up. Subscribers benefit from several advantages, including priority fare reservations through a dedicated 24/7 hotline or assessments upon reservation of the amounts they will owe.
- Users first have to create an account on Moov’Card’s website and choose from the subscription offer (9.99 euros/months + fare price) or the no-obligation offer (with amounts ranging from 69 to 169 euros, including 19 euros card issuing and management fees).
- Subscribers may top-up their card at will, with no limitation applying, automatically transfer their credit or track their reservations on their customer account. The associated loyalty programme, “Smoov”, has also been designed for them: free fares, partners’ offers, conversion of the cumulated points into kilometres, etc.
Source: Dé
- This offer especially meets the needs of professional sectors, and could help companies manage their employees’ business trips expenses. Yet, it is not solely intended for businesses and may also apply to individual customers.
- Moov’Card took advantage of the “PR buzz” allowed by social media broadcasting nowadays, and started mentioning its offer on Twitter in the end of April. The prepaid card was launched mid-June, and has been the object of short-lived competitions: for instance, Facebook users could win 50 euros credit through broadcasting the news based on their “Likes”.