Authentication: Raiffeisen Chooses Gemalto to Secure Access to Its Online Banking System

- The Austrian bank has announced the signing of a security contract with digital security expert Gemalto. The French company will be providing a secure access solution for the bank's online services with its "Ezio Optic Edge" Token.
- When customers need to access their accounts online, a coded picture is displayed on the login page. Customers then insert their bank card into the Ezio Optic Edge reader and simply place the reader in front of the picture. After confirming the details of the transaction on the Token, the system generates an OTP and the customer enters it on the login page.
- This partnership deal was officially announced after a series of tests and internal training sessions were carried out by Raiffeisen. The first Ezio Edge Optic readers were delivered at the beginning of 2012.
Source: Press release
- In Europe, almost 31 million Ezio readers have been distributed by Gemalto and 5.1 million of them feature the dynamic signature technology.
- Raiffeisen is the third biggest banking group in Austria. The bank is hoping that the security provided by the Ezio Edge Optic solution will strengthen their corporate image and they intend to base their communications strategy on this essential element of customer trust.
- The powerful authentication system featured in the online banking service and also used to validate online purchases is commonplace in Austria, the Netherlands and also in Germany. It is indeed a reassuring solution for people shopping over the Internet; they often use it and consider it as a guarantee of security.