Moneo Signs Partnership Agreements with Three New Universities

- After successfully launching services specially aimed at universities, Moneo Payment Solutions is to develop a similar concept to match the needs of students in higher education after winning three new calls for tenders.
- Over the next three years, Moneo will be providing almost 541,400 new students with multi-service student cards on campuses at Aix-Marseille (127,500 students), Bordeaux (201,000 students) and Toulouse (212,900 students).
- The Moneo offer can be used for ID purposes around the campus (in libraries or to control access to buildings in general), to make purchases (from vending machines or in university cafeterias), to pay for photocopies and others small value purchases on campus.
Source: Press release
- Almost 1.5 million students currently own Moneo student multiservice cards that are recognised by the Ministry of Finance and the Treasury Department. Therefore, from a total of 26 universities across France, 22 will be equipped with the Moneo solution for the 2012-13 academic year.
- Moneo also confirmed its commitment to help students by launching a new affinity scheme with AXA Campus in February 2012, offering four insurance packages available over the Internet or on a mobile and which can be paid for using the Moneo student card.
- The announcement of these new partnerships strengthens Moneo's position as leader in the student card sector and provides a boost for its e-wallet solution which can also be used for off campus purchases.