Automation: Self-Service Banking Making Progress

- Canadian-based developer and manufacturer Portlogic Systems proposes new automatons providing services such as loan and insurance subscriptions, and even card issuance, among other financial services.
- This device has been designed to hinder the cost of possible human errors and make these services available at any time. They also display a touch screen and a Virtual Tellers interface to guide users through their procedures.
- A camera, a scanner and a dedicated signature field have also been added to enable them to hand in the required documents; a printer and a mailbox are there for deposits (applications, cheques, etc.).
- For card issuing, once the application has been accepted, the user can get his (smart or mag-stripe) card directly from the terminal. A phone has been made available for customers to reach the support teams directly from the kiosk.
Source: ATMmarketplace
- This solution makes the difference as it proposes a wide range of services, including card issuing, all of which can be applied for through dematerialised means. Services automation is generally considered as time saving and efficient. Portlogic fits in the current trend promoting interaction applied to (banking) self-service contexts. Several players are trying to have a share on this market relying on improving customer experience and satisfaction. In so doing, they may also enhance their customer bases and limit some costs (including wages).
- According the association, banking services represent at least 10% of the serf-service market to this day and could reach 40% within five years. A new business model is being set up through innovative technological investments also relying on dematerializing banking and financial service offering. To this respect, in Turkey, some ATMS already make it possible to apply for loans and in Russia, Sberbank has been testing ATMs allowing credit card application through an identification process including lie detectors (speech synthesis software) since 2011 (see June 2011 Insight).