Moneo for French DGGN Staff

- The French law enforcement office –Direction Générale de la Gendarmerie Nationale (DGGN)– has opted for Moneo top-up cards.
- Moneo Payment Solutions and Applicam have delivered 3,000 Moneo cards and associated payment terminals including the e-wallet.
- These nominative cards can be used in-doors at Issy-les-Moulineaux (cafeteria, other internal services, etc.). They also display all potential discounts the cardholders may benefit from.
- The universal cards can also be used for car parking payment in over 70 towns in France, in face-to-face payment contexts with accepting merchants and at several automatons (ATMs, SNCF ticketing services, etc.).
Source: ITRNews
- Moneo and its partner Applicam are targeting niche public segments; several initiatives have been launched over the months, addressing students, the French National Archive, or more recently adults under legal guardianship, and, now, the French Gendarmerie Nationale.
- In January 2012, Moneo Payment Solutions and Applicam (specialising in multiservice solutions), announced they were mutualising their know-how and creating a unique card industry unit designed to target companies, local administrations, universities, companies, etc. These sectors are highly beneficial for the prepaid market, and represent a significant number of potential cardholders.