Authentication: All-in-One Solution and Display Cards

- Banca Monte Paschi Belgio has selected Oberthur Technologies to secure its customers’ online transactions. The range of proposed services includes MasterCard-certified contact and contactless display cards as well as PCI-DSS-compliant authentication server and ACS.
- The dual card has been developed in collaboration with NagraID.
- This “all-in-one” solution integrates one of the main trends in the authentication sector as these kinds of cards are growing increasingly popular (notably, with EU-based banks).
- This announcement also shows the development of NagraID, which designed the associated card (see November 2011 Insight as well as Visa CodeSure Matrix Display Card dedicated News–card design crafted by NagraID with the help of Emue Technologies for the authentication process).
- At Cartes & Identification 2011, NagraID also presented the (contact and contactless) second generation MasterCard Display card featuring a dual interface, dual OTP capability, on card access to total expenses, account balance and previous transactions history.