Cybercrime: Inauguration of the 2Centre

- The Cybercrime Centres of Excellence Network for Training, Research and Education (2Centre) has been inaugurated on 31st May by a consortium composed of manufacturers, university researchers and law enforcement officers. Its French division is notably lead by the Universities of Troyes and the French police forces. The EU Commission provided 980,000 euros to support its creation.
- This centre should for instance be in charge of research projects for the development of investigation tools and methods, studying and diffusing best practices in medium businesses and assessing the needs for training in the companies. It disposes of a four million euros total budget, 30% for which come from manufacturers’ funds.
- Meanwhile, in France, the ANSSI also has also been provided with and fast intervention group always on call to work on State ISs as well as critical infrastructure operators in case of attack. Other initiatives of this kind can be noted in Europe: the United Kingdom now admits to focuses on the improvement of its offensive capabilities to fight cybercrime.
- In China, a dedicated unit composed of about 30 experts constitutes the Blue Army also focusing on cyberdefense issues. Finally, we should note that in the US, the Pentagon wishes that cyberattacks be considered as war acts.