Visa Getting Further Involved in e-payment

- The international network has just announced it intended to launch an e-payment platform in the US and Canada this Autumn. The users will register their means of payment’s information in a secure dedicate space available through entering their ID and password. They will further on be able to use this platform to make purchases on all sorts of e-merchant websites.
- Visa is also considering a possible extension of this service on mobile devices for PayWave contactless transactions.
- This announcement provides additional detail on Visa’s e- and m-payment strategy. The network has already made several acquisitions asserting its interest in online payment (CyberSource) and social media (PlaySpan).
- Also, the Visa Rightcliq platform launched in beta version in March 2010 already relies on payments through using identifiers and proposes its subscribers to make “social shopping”.
- In any case, this launch confirms Visa’s intention to compete with PayPal which is threatening to take a large share in the market of virtual contents purchasing, for which bank cards still remain slightly inappropriate.