Multi-service terminal for merchants
- The Crédit Agricole and its IT and card industry subsidiary, Somaintel, propose new multi-service payment terminals for merchants. These terminals display colour touchscreens and enable access to banking and non-banking services, in addition to the traditional payment functionalities. These terminals are currently being tested in Finistère (Brittany). Small independent merchants taking part in this pilot test now can propose offers that used to apply to large brands only. Among these offers: payments in three or four instalments without additional charges, and prepaid gift cards.
- They also have access to a dedicated Web portal, where their receipts are stored to make accounting and payment collection management easier.
- Merchants wishing to ensure customer loyalty could now use “all-in-one” solutions to manage both payment collection and customer relation management.
- With this initiative, the Crédit Agricole sets foot, as an acquirer, on the credit market in points of sales, where card issuers generally propose payment instalments (debit-credit cards, etc.). in a way, they might take advantage of some dispositions taken by the Consumer Credit reform voted last July.
- We may also note that Ingenico also launched a range of portable payment terminals, iWL200 series (based on Telium2 technology) and presented during the 2010 Salon Cartes (cards exhibition). Three models, displaying different user interfaces, are available: the monochromatic iWL220, the iWL250 with colour screen and the iWL280, with colour touchscreen.