Tagattitude: development perspectives for 2011

- The BRED will adopt French company Tagattitude's TagPay solution in the beginning of 2011, to provide internet payment access to customers who do not have a bank card.
- Rather than providing his/her bank card information, the BRED customer will enter his/her phone number as well as a confidential code. He/she then responds to a phone call in order to validate the transaction and brings his/her phone closer to his microphone for sound recognition.
- Tagattitude TagPay's range of solutions also makes proximity mobile payment possible. This solution is currently tested in France in two Poilâne bakeries where it is used to provide parents with a means to send money on their children's cell phone for them to spend it in the bakeries. The child then enters his phone number on TagPay's merchant terminal. He receives a phone call and brings his phone closer to the terminal which recognises the encrypted signal to enable transaction’s validation.
- Tagattitude plans to make 600,000 Euros annual sales in 2010 and twice as much in 2011. This company also prepares a three to five million Euros fund raising to provide for its European development.
- Tagattitude TagPay solution is present in about twenty countries and enables mobile proximity payments, mobile money transfers, online authentication and physical access control. It does not rely on telecom operators and mobile phone manufacturers, which makes it different from other mobile solutions. It relies on two innovating technologies: NSDT (Near Sound Data Transfer) patented security and payment validation technology and Very Smart Authentication (VSA) to secure mobile Web accesses.
- While waiting for a standard solution likely to be imposed on everyone, simple technological solutions proposed by players such as Tagattitude still fit in the payment solutions market.