OTP generating card: Consult Hyperion tests Visa CodeSure

- In the context of the “Sure Identity” project and with the help of Visa Europe as well as the IT security consulting firm, Codes & Ciphers, Consult Hyperion (IT company specialised in transaction security) is currently testing Visa CodeSure card for online government services access.
- This card could then become an alternative means to access online government services and replace traditional identifiers and passwords. According to Consult Hyperion, adopting Visa CodeSure would improve the efficiency of these services and reduce needs in terms of password management. In addition, according to the British government, less demanding procedures would be required to check on cardholders’ identity, as they have already been identified.
- Visa CodeSure card could also later be used for driving licenses, social security cards as well as other services and/or official procedures.
- Visa and its Australian partner Emue Technologies have
recently announced that a contactless version of this card, sold since
November 2010 by the Swiss bank Cornèr, would be developed. These cards
can be used at ATMs as well as in points of sale and also contribute to
online transactions security. Contactless cards can be used for
purchases under 40 Swiss francs (or about 30 Euros). The OTP generating
card was tested since the beginning of 2009 with eight European players,
among these BarclayCard (United-States), IW Bank (Italy), DKB (Germany)
and Yapi Kredi (Turkey).
- MasterCard has partnered with the Swiss specialist NagraID Security to develop its own OTP generating card, MasterCard Display Card, which has been deployed in Turkey by the TEB (BNP Paribas group) and in Taiwan by SinoPac bank since December 2010.