Business offers: CIC Auto-Entrepreneur card

- CIC launches the Auto-Entrepreneur card business offer, a MasterCard card linked to the cardholder’s business account and dedicated to his/her professional expenses.
- Offers related to the customer's activity are also proposed, for instance, a guarantee on rented equipment. The cardholder can also rely on “Info Pro”, MasterCard assistance service which provides him with legal, tax-related, social and accounting-related information; answers are sent within 48 hours, maximum, for the most complex questions. Other privileges were also negotiated with selected partners (office furniture or IT equipment, for instance).
- With the emergence of entrepreneurship, banks had to propose offers likely to respond to the needs of individuals who are not always aware of what their business activity entails and to whom traditional business cards were not particularly suited. In 2009, La Banque Postale already launched an offer dedicated to “auto-entrepreneurs”, complemented in 2010 with La Poste Group range of products and services (post mail, parcels, etc.). The business card proposed by CIC enriches the existing offer in this segment: “auto-entrepreneur“ business account, global business contracts, or even, secure Internet payment solutions to launch their online store.
- With the help of the "Union des auto-entrepreneurs" or "SOS entrepreneur" association, CIC offers should benefit from a certain visibility within a still “under-exploited" segment.