Vivacar Adds a Lease-Purchase Offer

- Vivacar, e-commerce site for used cars launched by CGI Finance introduces their third version.
- More than just selling used cars online, Vivacar is making room for a financing option: lease-purchase contracts.
- This option applies to all car models featured on their platform.
- Lease-purchase stands out as the only financing option available from Vivacar.
- Customer process:
- Purchasers first choose a car, them
- Specify the amount of their down payment
- Choose optional guarantees
- Get informed of contractual terms and monthly repayments
- Sign their contract digitally
- The cost of potential car repairs, car dealers’ guarantee (at least six months), car registration certificate and shipping to their home address are included in the rent.
- 2015: Vivacar was launched
- Offer: more than 27,000 used cars, under 7 years old and 90,000 Km
- 160 partner groups and 1,130 dealerships
- 6 advisors assisting online purchasers if necessary
- Vivacar confirms and signs. In the former versions of their website, Société Générale and CGI Finance already featured lease-purchase options for some vehicles. They now confirm their interest for this financing model.
- Simplifying purchasing processes. Vivacar only adds one financing option as they try to make sure the purchasing process stays frictionless.
- With just one financing option, Vivacar contributes to increasing lease-purchase contracts’ popularity on the market for used cars.