PayPal Invests in Cambridge Blockchain

- The US e-payments giant joins a Series A investment in the Blockchain start-up, Cambridge Blockchain.
- PayPal’s investment is part of a round table which also involves the French VC Partech. So far, no information as to the amount has been disclosed.
- Cambridge Blockchain was founded in 2015 with headquarters in Boston. They rely on the Blockchain to feature digital identity solutions for financial institutions. They for instance rely on an off-chain personal data service to craft a decentralised third-party system.
- Goal: optimise digital identities’ conformity, providing customers with more control over their identification data.
- No indication had been released as to the way PayPal may actually rely on this start-up’s potential. Yet, they claim they intend to look into possible collaborations to exploit Blockchain technologies.
- Future expansion. The amount raised should help this start-up develop their technology and materialise some new offers. Cambridge Blockchain may also launch their first digital identity service, LuxTrust, quite soon in Luxembourg with support from the local government.
- Innovation strategy. After they disrupted the e-payment market, PayPal did not want to miss out on Blockchain-related opportunities. This investment pertains to the group’s innovation strategy as they already looked into several moves on the market for crypto-assets.
- Optimising customer experience. PayPal says they will be exploiting Cambridge Blockchain’s digital identity solution. It might allow them to simplify KYC processes, and improve customer experience.
- PayPal made their interest in DLTs quite clear: in March 2018, for instance, they filed a patent describing a Blockchain-based system to speed up crypto-transaction processes.
- By way of reminder, the interbank messaging network SWIFT also launched multiple DLT-based initiatives. Now, Blockchain technologies are taking one step further in this industry with help from PayPal.