Braintree Expands Upon E-Payment Collection Services

Braintree, e-commerce dedicated subsidiary of PayPal, releases a new plugin. The solution called “Braintree Extend” is meant to help e-merchants expand their reach to additional ecosystems (social media environments, for instance). It also includes fraud prevention services and loyalty-oriented features.
Braintree keeps enhancing their offers and provides partner merchants with a set of additional options helping them track their customers, and improve their flexibility as they have to work with increasingly intertwined purchasing processes. PayPal refers to Pinterest’s customer process, for instance, through their so-called “buyable pins”, where back end payment collections are managed by Braintree.
This new solution encompasses a range of services in line with e-merchants’ expectations. First, transactional services, enabling them to protect customers from potential fraud cases, or centralise cash flow management processes for several means of payment. Also, Braintree Extend proposes a management tool for loyalty programs, allowing merchants to connect to disparate loyalty and promotional marketing platforms available on the market.
Eventually, Braintree Extend has been enhanced with a contextual commerce service. This option was already proposed by Braintree, by way of enabling merchants to directly acquire customers on social media platforms or other third-party websites. It spares their customers the need to switch to another environment or app to pay.
Comments – E-commerce meets the omni-channel age
Braintree Extend is in line with current evolution in the e-commerce sector, as well as with merchants’ increasing demand when it comes to flexibility and speed. This US start-up will have to face competition for some challengers: the Dutch company Adyen, for instance –whose list of clients includes Netflix, Uber and Airbnb–, or the Californian FinTech Stripe, whose offer for marketplaces was launched a few months ago to comply with their specific needs in terms of payment collection.
Braintree’s solution has been crafted to make it easier for merchants to integrate the added-value services they need. It has already been adopted by some of their partners: Yelp, for example, for their card-linked loyalty program (Yelp Cash Back), and Bandsintown (a platform for music artists), to connect with events ticketing platforms (end-to-end tickets purchases without leaving the Bandsintown platform).