An Insurance Group Helping Customers Maintain their Home

- The home insurance centre American Integrity Insurance unveils a new assistance offer for home owners.
- “Free Home Maintenance” provides them with tools to maintain home. It comes with a free mobile app for insured parties.
- Among features:
- Tools for managing valuable devices, equipment and objects in the house
- Customised tracking system for these items
- Useful information on maintaining the house and equipment (user manuals, how-to videos, links to Amazon to order products' parts, etc.)
- Free Home Maintenance was crafted by their technical partner Hartford Steam Boiler. This specialty insurer built this app to be a “user manual” for their customers’ home, for San Francisco insurance group, Centriq.
- 5th largest property insurance carrier in Florida
- Over 300,000 customers
- Over 1,000 independent agents
- Reaching beyond insurance offers, with more services. American Integrity insists on a “new way to think of insurance”.
- Highlighting proactivity. Just like other prevention initiatives, Free Home Maintenance is a means for American Integrity to feature a value-added service for their customers, helping them avoid damages, which, over time, induce additional costs for the insurance group.
- As they stress improved customer assistance, insurance groups are promoting increasingly varied and advanced prevention tools. All sectors are concerned: car insurance, multi-risk home insurance (Assur&Detect by Arkéa), health (MGEN), businesses (Allianz), agricultural professions, etc.
- Hartford Steam Boiler already teamed up with Grohe on a service for preventing water damage.
- This trend is in line with a win-win approach enabling insurance groups to cut down costs, and insured parties to benefit from more relevant assistance services (avoiding that they should have to deal with damage claims).