Hi-Media Managing E-payments for GIE ePresse

- Hi-Media Payments’s e-payment solution Hipay has been selected by GIE ePresse for its online transactions and digital subscription service offerings.
- The main French daily press groups are represented including seven daily information newspapers and three weekly magazines.
- Hipay must cater for the provision of an ergonomic payment service for both mobile and Web users, based on a one-click payment model to favour micro-payments and impulse purchases.
- With time, GIE ePresse aims at creating an online kiosk for digital information media allowing Internet users to easily gain access to press articles and ensuring efficient payment services.
Source: Press release
- Hipay e-money solution was launched in 2008; it is now an Electronic Money Issuer benefiting from a European passport. It focuses on secure online payment (through the implementation of banking data protection measures) and allows its users to manage their expenses more efficiently (parental control, limitation of the amounts).
- The solution has now been adopted for online press subscription, representing 280 million euros in France according to Kurt Salmon. One of the two main revenue sources of Hi-Media Payments is the monetisation of digital contents.
- However the boycott of Apple’s digital kiosk (Newsstand) by French press syndicates ended in February, this partnership with Hi-Media shows that tensions between Apple and the French media groups are still clearly discernible, as they are opposed to the fees charged by the brand and to the GSCs it applies to press articles and subscriptions on Newsstand.